The ECHO makeup brush

Hello mis amores!!! 

饾槓饾槯 饾槸饾槹 饾槹饾槸饾槮 饾槾饾槮饾槮饾槾 饾樅饾槹饾樁 饾槺饾樁饾樀 饾槷饾槩饾槵饾槮饾樁饾槺 饾槹饾槸 
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饾槩饾槼饾槮 饾樅饾槹饾樁 饾槼饾槮饾槩饾槶饾槶饾樅 饾槮饾樂饾槮饾槸 饾樃饾槮饾槩饾槼饾槳饾槸饾槰 饾槷饾槩饾槵饾槮饾樁饾槺?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
3D Flaw-Fill Technology that smoothes makeup across, filling creases and smoothing out uneven texture. 

Yes its real...
My new favorite blender the ECHO Makeup Brush... from @Spasciences
With this great tool you save product and get a fabulous “air-brushed finish” ...

@spasciences @walmart

#pr #verifiedreview #spasciences #tool-name #walmart #walmartbeauty #walmartxspasciences #bringthespahomefromwalmart
