Python spikes...
Mis tesoros... hoy les traigo un look que me encanta para estos dias
Es un look que se presta para cumplir con todas las actividades de un mismo dia,
ya que reune, confort, elegancia y detalles muy de temporada...
Las gafas de sol en colores se han vuelto un verdadero must esta primavera- verano, al igual
que los labios matte en colores fuertes... el print phyton y la chispa glam con los spikes en mis zapatos...
Algo mas o menos rock glam podemos catalogar este look...
Llevando las ondas en mi cabello para lograr los aires de frescura y varios anillos en ambas manos,
para acentuar el tema rock...
Espero que les guste, no es un look elaboradisimo, ya que mi enfoque es siempre lucir regias
con lo que tenemos en nuestro armario, sin tener que volvernos loca con las ideas
que vemos por ahí...
Bendiciones & Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
My treasures ... today I bring you a look that I love for these days
It is a look that lends itself to comply with all activities of the same day,
because it meets, comfort, elegance and exceptional season details ...
Color frame shades have become a real must this spring-summer, as
matte lips in bright colors ... the python print glam and sparkle with spikes on my shoes ...
Kind of glam rock we can call this look ...
Taking the waves in my hair to achieve the air of freshness and several rings on both hands,
to accentuate the theme rock ...
Hope you like, it is not a most elaborate look, as my focus is always to look regal
with what we have in our wardrobe without having to become crazy with ideas
we see out there ...
Much Love & Blessings,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Look Details:
Lips: All fired Up (MAC).
Shades: ALDO.
Shirt: Old Navy.
Jeans: LOOKBOOK (local store).
Heels: AMAZON.
Rings and stuff: Vintage pieces of mine.
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