Tips de belleza...
Hola hola...
Aqui les comparto un delicioso tip de belleza...
y es que cuando del cuidado de nuestra piel se trata, nos volvemos
expertas en buscar información, yo como fiel adicta de la Coca-Cola
y antigua fumadora, tengo un montón de celulitis en los muslos, que no se me nota
baaaah, lo que quieran pero yo si me la veo diario, por lo que he provado TODO y nada...
Entre research y lecturas me encontré en mi amado "Pinterest" con esta receta, la cambié un poquito, y le di realidad...
Reune en un bowl, una taza de sal gruesa o sal marina (como desees llamarle), aceite de olivda y un poco de extracto de vainilla (el cual le da mejor olor).
Mezclalos y dejalo reposar unos 15 minutos, a la hora del baño en la piel aun seca
aplicalo en las zonas mas afectadas, dando intensos masajes en círculos,
les advierto "ES UNA DELICIA" no quiero parar hahahahaha...
los resultados los vas notando dependiendo la frecuencia, yo lo hago semanal, por cuestión
de tiempo, pero la suavidad que ha adoptado esta zona luego de esta
receta, es increíble...
y por cierto, en la esquina de la foto, la receta By: @Rakelfdez
limón y miel, frotar por la cara y dejar aplicado unos minutos...
te va poniendo la piel del rostro mas radiante, te libera de impurezas y
muchos cambios que notarás con el uso...
Suerte chicas,
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Hey hey..
Today I share a delicious beauty tip ... when it comes to our skin, we become experts in searching for information, I am addicted to Coca-Cola and i was a social smoker, I have a lot of cellulite on thighs, you do not notice but I see it everyday, so I've proven ALL and nothing works!
From research and readings I found in my beloved "Pinterest" this recipe, I changed it a bit, and now i post it here to share with you ...
In a bowl, mix a cup of sea salt (as you like to call it), olive oil and a little vanilla extract (which gives better smell).
Mix it all together and let it sit for 15 minutes...before bath time apply on dry skin, in the areas most affected, giving intense circle ways massages, warning!!! "IS A DELIGHT" I do not want to stop ... hahahahaha
you're noticing the results depending on the frequency, I do it weekly and the softness it has taken this area after this recipe is amazing ...
By the way, at the corner of the photo, the recipe By:Rakelfdez lemon and honey, rub your face and leave for a few minutes applied ...
It will be putting more radiant skin face, clean all the impurities and youre
Today I share a delicious beauty tip ... when it comes to our skin, we become experts in searching for information, I am addicted to Coca-Cola and i was a social smoker, I have a lot of cellulite on thighs, you do not notice but I see it everyday, so I've proven ALL and nothing works!
From research and readings I found in my beloved "Pinterest" this recipe, I changed it a bit, and now i post it here to share with you ...
In a bowl, mix a cup of sea salt (as you like to call it), olive oil and a little vanilla extract (which gives better smell).
Mix it all together and let it sit for 15 minutes...before bath time apply on dry skin, in the areas most affected, giving intense circle ways massages, warning!!! "IS A DELIGHT" I do not want to stop ... hahahahaha
you're noticing the results depending on the frequency, I do it weekly and the softness it has taken this area after this recipe is amazing ...
By the way, at the corner of the photo, the recipe By:Rakelfdez lemon and honey, rub your face and leave for a few minutes applied ...
It will be putting more radiant skin face, clean all the impurities and youre
will notice many changes after using those two ...
Lucky girls,
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Lucky girls,
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Texto: Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Fotos: Rosalia Serrano Dina.
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