Lavado en casa...
Siempre que voy al super me paseo por las gondolas de productos del cabello a ver que consigo nuevo, y hace unas semanas una amiga me habló del "abono" de HK y al ir por el me encontré con otro producto de Macadamia y colageno distinto al que ya utilizaba antes...
y de repente ambos son parte de mi cuidado del cabello...
Ambos excelente para regenerar, hidratar y dar suavidad y brillo a tu cabello...
Sin duda alguna el cuidado de un centro de belleza es excelente, pero sino
te ocupas de tu cabello también en casa, por mas
que inviertas los resultados no serán tan buenos...
Estos productos lo pueden conseguir en República Dominicana en tiendas por departamentos y supermercados... (La Sirena, Sema, El Nacional...)
y las extranjeras vía amazon o algún familiar que les haga el favor :)...
Suerte hermosas,
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
I am one of those that most of the time wash her hair at home, I'm kind of addicted to wash it i think... hehehehehe
Whenever I go to the supermarket I ride the hair products aisle by hours, so a few weeks ago a friend told me about the "Abono" from the HK lines, so when i went to buy it i found another magical product too, call it Macadamia Collagen,different brand i already used before ...
and suddenly both are part of my hair care ...
Both excellent to regenerate, moisturize and softness and shine to your hair ...
Whenever I go to the supermarket I ride the hair products aisle by hours, so a few weeks ago a friend told me about the "Abono" from the HK lines, so when i went to buy it i found another magical product too, call it Macadamia Collagen,different brand i already used before ...
and suddenly both are part of my hair care ...
Both excellent to regenerate, moisturize and softness and shine to your hair ...
Undoubtedly care beauty centers are excellent, but if you don't care your hair at home, you invest the results will not be as good ...
You can buy these products in department stores and supermarkets ... (La Sirena, Sema, National ...) (DR local stores) If you are out of DR you can buy it at amazon or ask some family or friend to send it to you... :)
You can buy these products in department stores and supermarkets ... (La Sirena, Sema, National ...) (DR local stores) If you are out of DR you can buy it at amazon or ask some family or friend to send it to you... :)
Good luck prettys,
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Much Love,
Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Texto: Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Imagen: Rosalia Serrano Dina.
Post: Lavado en casa.
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